
2k18: the first month, A review.

Hello non-existent readers! I am back, and this time with a review on the first month of 2k18!!!! Well? Is there a miracle? Did someone die? Did i do something productive? Did i found the answer to all my question? NOPE. Nothing happen, no miracle, unfortunately and no, i did not do such energy consuming activities! And sadly, no EXACT answer to big questions of life too. Once again, this year started off just like any other year! And also i'm not trying to reveiw stuff. Does this look like a review section to you? The real reason I'm here is because I was tempted to write something regarding my well kept secret not even known to those close to me. Yes, I am going to let the cat out of the bag and I am very well informed that internet is not a safe place for me to disclose personal matter, but I am willing to take the risk. Ah, what the heck, what risk am I talking about. It makes my little heart chuckle reading that. Maybe my fellow classmate founding out about this